Precision Soil Analysis

Various soil types and variety produce that can be grown have unique nutrient needs and therefore require different management techniques when it comes to fertilizing.  Years of continuous fertilizing without monitoring the soil composition to identify the deficiencies and surpluses can lead to imbalances of soil elements and have an influence on harvests yielded. The goal, therefore, is to identify and analyse the different soil elements and make the necessary allowances in order to effectively manage soil preparation for optimum production.

Soil samples are taken on a grid system of 1 Ha for fields and 50x50m or 75x75m for vineyards or orchards.  The sample is taken at a depth of 30cm in between rows in order to do a precision analysis of macro elements which include pH, P Bray, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Clay % and acid saturation %.  Once all the needed samples have been gathered and labelled, we send it to a reputable, independent laboratory with a world class analytical facility.  The laboratory is a member of AgriLASA and follows recognized methods of analyses.  After we receive the analysis, we are able to work with the results and produce colour maps for each land, per element using our precision analysis software.  Colour recommendation maps for lime, Kcl50 and supers can also be supplied on request.

You are now able to work together with your agriculturist to improve your harvest for the next season.



Soil samples
are taken on grid system


Each sample is marked
with a GPS point on the map


Analysis of soil samples
include | macro elements -

pH, P Bray, Ca, Mg, Na %, Clay % and acid saturation % and micro elements


A4 booklet with colour
maps of each land per element


Colour recommendation
maps for lime, Kcl50 and supers can also be supplied on request


Spreader files for precision
equipment can be provided on request

Optional Extras*

  • GPS plotting of lines in field
  • Leave or water analysis

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